Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a New Forms Server in EBS R12.2

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to add and manage a new managed server in Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS). This process involves creating the managed server, updating configuration files, and starting the server.

1. Creating a Managed Server

To create a new managed server, execute the following command. This will create the managed server and add a new entry to the context file, enabling you to start and stop the server using the adstrtal and adstpall scripts:

$ perl /patch/115/bin/ \
ebs-create-managedserver -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE \
-managedsrvname=MANAGED_SERVER_NAME -servicetype=forms \
-managedsrvport=MANAGED_SERVER_PORT -logfile=LOGFILE

For example, to create a forms_server4 with port 7405:

$ perl $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/ \
ebs-create-managedserver -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE \
-managedsrvname=forms_server4 -servicetype=forms \
-managedsrvport=7405 -logfile=$APPLRGF/TXK/addMS_formsserver4.log

2. Updating Configuration Files

Execute the following command to add details of the newly added managed servers into the OHS configuration files mod_wl_ohs.conf and apps.conf on the current node: 

$ perl /patch/115/bin/ -contextfile=$context_file \

For example, to add details for forms_server4:

$ perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/ -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE \

3. Starting the Managed Server

Start the new managed server using the following command:

$ sh / start 

sh start forms_server4

4. Restarting Apache


./ stopall
./ startall  

5. Running fs_clone

adop phase=fs_clone


Stop the Managed Server

Stop the new managed server using the following command:

$ sh / stop 

sh stop forms_server4

If you need to delete a managed server, execute the following commands:


$ perl $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/ \
ebs-delete-managedserver -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE \
-managedsrvname=forms_server4 -servicetype=forms \

$ perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/ -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE \
-configoption=removeMS -forms=

Running fs_clone

adop phase=fs_clone

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