[Socket:000445]Connection rejected, filter blocked Socket, weblogic.security.net.FilterException: [Security:090220]rule 3

Encountering configuration issues post-cutover. However, here's a straightforward solution to resolve these errors efficiently.

Follow these steps to modify the config.xml file and get your system back on track.


Go to config.xml locatation and take backup for the "config.xml" file

cd /apps/applmgr/r12/fs1/FMW_Home/user_projects/domains/EBS_domain/config/

ls -ltr config.xml

cp config.xml config.xml_bkp

Search the config.xml file in "connection-filter-rule"

Change the value "deny" to "allow"

[applmgr@vtebstest config]$diff config.xml_bkp config.xml


<     <OTM >vtebstest.appl.com * * allow</connection-filter-rule>


<     <connection-filter-rule> * * deny</connection-filter-rule>

[applmgr@vtebstest config]$

Save the config.xml file and bounce the adadminsrvctl.sh

Login weblogic page and retest the issue


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