Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions Part-5

Here I have collected the List of good Oracle Apps DBA interview Questions/Answers.

How Many Oracle homes there in R12.2?

Oracle 10.1.2 home and Oracle fusion middleware home oracle application is running on top of the FMW home.

What is EBR?

Edition based redefinition is R12.2 online patching new fecture.

EBR has been introduced in 11g R12 database

EBR is allows multiple version of plsql objects views and synonyms in single schema.

EBR is enabled via database users and all EBS users including custon schemas.

While running adadmin What is batchsize parameter in EBS?

It means number of rows to commit at one time to the Database. 

What is multi ligual tables in ebs?

EBS applications allow users to create their programs in a variety of languages.




If table name ending with "_TL" those tables are corresponding to another table with same name minus the _TL those tables provide the multiple language support.





If concurrent manager is down workflow component will run?


No, Workflow servicres will not run if concurrent manager down. The underline controlling mechanism with concurrent manager and workflow servers run with the under concurrent manager.


When you run the Autoconfig in application tier?

  • If we change context file parameter need to run
  • JDK Upgrade.
  • DB/Apps Tier Upgrade
  • Cleaning up the net services fnd_conc.clone.setup_clean
  • Sometime Patch will run autoconfig part of patching 
  • Part of any SR activity


When you run the Autoconfig in DB Tier? 

  • Performing customization in DB tier
  • DB/Apps Tier Upgrade
  • Cloning activity
  • Upgrade JDK on DB Tier
  • Cleaning up the net services fnd_conc.clone.setup_clean
  • Single node to RAC conversion

What is the role of ebs_logon trigger?

What will happen If Internal concurrent manager is down?


Nothing will happen other running programs/Other managers will run. But we have some impact on the CM servers.


When we shutdown script It will properly shutdown the all managers.


If ICM crashed any other events no option to go shutdown the all managers.


Impact is If we mention some concurrent manager will start 6:00 AM if ICM is down won't start and other managers can't stat unless ICM up & running.

What is Running/Paused state in concurrent program?

Parent request pauses for all its child requests to finish running. For example, a request set pauses for all requests in the set to complete.

What is Pending/Normal state in concurrent program?

Request is waiting for the next available manager.

If PCP configured environment your primary node was rebooted ICM down. How ICM will start?


That job comes via internal monitor.

Role Of internal Monitor:-

Internal monitor only monitoring the Internal concurrent manager(ICM)

If a 10-node PCP environment master node was crashed out of the 9-node, whenever the internal monitor finds the failure first, the ICM will come up on that node. 


If 2 node PCP envirnoment primary node was crashed what will happened the running concurrent programs?

Running concurrent programs will gone.PCP does not have any options to move running requests from one node to another, hence we need to resubmit the request manually. 


What is PMON process in concurrent manager?


The number of sleep cycle ICM will wait before checking failed manager. We can check Pmon sleep cycle setup in script


If possible to recreate Local inventory?



Can you explain the high level seps to configure the Logical standby in EBS?

Logical standby database are not supported by EBS standard functionality.

What is difference between cleanup mode and actualize all parameter in adop?

Actualize all phase is copy the modified objects and moved your editioned objects to new edition.

Cleanup When you run cleanup after actualize_all, it will delete old  editions and covered items. 

What will happen If admin server down in ebs?

The admin server does not handle any user requests.

Nothing impact on normal applicatation operations but it will affect some maintanance activitys like Patching,ect.

What will you do if someone accidentally deletes the clone directory in production?

Run the script it will create the clone directory

How does Apache know this requests for forms needs to redirect forms and this requests to Oacore needs to redirect oacore?

Apps.conf and Mod_wl_ohs.conf redirect requests. What managed server is associated with what types of requests will be assisted by these servers.


Example for mod_wl_ohs.conf:


If a connection request comes from OA_HTML, it will be routed to the WebLogicCluster Hostname>:7221.

What actually occurred The http request will be routed to the 7221 port, which will transfer the same forms as well as other requests.


If you open the mod_wl_ohs.con file you can see the flow of <Location /OA_HTML>, <Location /forms>,<Location /webservices>,etc


File location: -

cd $FMW_HOME/webtier/instances/EBS_web_test_OHS1/config/OHS/EBS_Web_test

<Location /OA_HTML>

 SetHandler weblogic-handler

 WebLogicCluster <HOSTNAME>:7221

Can you explain EBS login flow?

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Oracle Apps DBA Interview questions Part-1

Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions Part-2

Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions Part-3

Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions Part-4


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