Control files multiplexing

What is Control File:

It is small binary file

It is required for database during startup operations

Each database associated only one oracle database

Control File Contents:

DB Name and identifiers

Tablespace names

Names and location of data files and redo log files

Check point information

Redo log and archive log information

Backup information

Multiplexing the control file:

Check the database running SPFILE (or) PFILE. My  DB is running SPFILE

Multiplexing Control file DB running in SPFILE

Step 1: Check the control file location

Step 2: Alter the SPFILE

Alter system set command is alter the spfile to including a list of control files to be used

Step 3: Shutdown the database

Shutdown the database in order to create additional control files on the OS level

Step 4: Create additional control files using OS copy command

Step 5: Start the database

When the DB started spfile will be read the oracle server will maintain all control_files parameter.

Step 6: Once complete the activity check the control_files parameter 

Multiplexing Control file DB running in PFILE

Step 1: Shutdown the database
Shutdown the database in order to create additional control files on the OS level

Step 2: Create additional control files
Using OS copy command

Step 4: Add control file names to pfile
Alter the pfile to include a list of all the control files.

Step 5: Start the database
When DB started the PFILE will be read and the oracle server will maintain all control_files parameter.


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