CONTEXT FILE in Oracle Apps
The Context file is in the XML format.
The name of the Context file will be $CONTEXT_NAME.xml.
Context file location:
Frequently using context file parameters:
grep login $CONTEXT_FILE
grep port $CONTEXT_FILE
grep port $CONTEXT_FILE | grep db
grep s_webentryhost $CONTEXT_FILE
grep s_webentrydomain $CONTEXT_FILE
grep s_active_webport $CONTEXT_FILE
grep s_webentryurlprotocol $CONTEXT_FILE
grep s_login_page $CONTEXT_FILE
grep s_external_url $CONTEXT_FILE
grep s_endUserMonitoringURL $CONTEXT_FILE
Contex File Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
What is the naming convention
for the application tier context file?
The default name for the context file is <CONTEXT_NAME>.xml.
How can I make changes to a
context file?
In Oracle Applications Manager (OAM), navigate to Site Map. Click
on AutoConfig. Click on Edit Parameters to edit the relevant context file.
Can I use to
generate context files in Release 12?
The utility can be used to generate the context file
on the database tier only. It is commonly used when migrating AutoConfig to a
database tier not created using Rapid Install or when upgrading a database tier
from Applications 11i to EBusiness Suite Release 12. This utility is not supported
on the applications tier.
How do I recover the
Applications context file if it is lost or deleted accidentally?
The Applications context file can be retrieved by running the script.
To retrieve the applications tier context file,
Execute the following command on the applications tier.
perl <COMMON_TOP>/clone/bin/ retrieve
On being prompted for the context file to be retrieved, select the
option of retrieving the applications tier context file that has been lost and
retrieve it to the default location specified by the script.
The above command can be used only when the <INST_TOP> is
still intact. In case the <INST_TOP> has also been lost accidentally, the
applications tier context file may be retrieved as follows:
Execute the following command on the database tier:
perl <ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/clone/bin/ retrieve
On being prompted for the context file to be retrieved, select the
option of retrieving the applications tier context file that has been lost.
While confirming the location for the context file, set it to any
existing directory with write permission.
Once the context file has been generated in the specified
location, move it to the location specified for the context file in the context
variable 's_contextfile'.
To retrieve the database tier context file,
Execute the following command on the database tier:
perl <ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/clone/bin/ retrieve
On being prompted for the context file to be retrieved, select the
database tier context file and retrieve it to the default location specified by
the script.
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