How to Change Weblogic Password in R12.2

This step requires a minimum version of R12.AD.C.Delta.7 and R12.TXK.C.Delta.7 or later.

TXK 7's functionality has been simplified and largely automated with the introduction of a new utility that handles previously manual procedures.

1. Shutdown the all application tier services except the Admin Server.

Primary node, run the below command

cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME / -skipNM -skipAdmin

Secondary nodes, stop the application services


2. To change the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration User password, execute the below command on the primary node's run file system.

Source the environment on the run file system.

perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/ -action=updateAdminPassword

3. Start all services on all nodes, using the command:



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