Difference between RMAN Validate and crosscheck commands

 RMAN validate and crosscheck commands are using for maintenance activity

RMAN Validate

RMAN Validate is the 11g New feature.

It’s used to find the corrupted blocks and missing files

This command is check for validity of data files and update the v$database_block_corruption view in case it finds any corruption

Validate command can also use to check Database, Tablespace, Datafile, Spfile, Archivelog, Control file



Validate whole Database

RMAN> backup validate database;

Validate Tablespace

RMAN> backup validate tablespace system;

Validate a specific datafile

RMAN> backup validate datafile 8;

Validate SPFILE

RMAN> backup validate spfile;

Validate archived redo log files

RMAN> backup validate archivelog all;

Validate current control file

RMAN> backup validate current control file;


Following commands, we will see backup is valid and available for restoration process.


RMAN> restore database validate;

RMAN> restore tablespace systemvalidate;

RMAN> restore datafile 6 validate;

RMAN> restore archivelog all validate;

RMAN> restore control file validate;

RMAN> restore spfile validate;



Ensure repository information is synchronized with actual files.

Check the status of backup or copy

Update the repository when files have been deleted with operating system commands

RMAN crosscheck command compares the RMAN catalog entries with the actual OS files and reports to locate "expired" or "obsolete" RMAN catalog entries.

Once a RMAN crosscheck identified expired, deleted on on obsolete catalog entries you can run an RMAN delete command to remove these entries to synchronize the RMAN catalog with the real database files

CROSSCHECK command can also use to check Datafile, backup piece, control file


RMAN>crosscheck backup;

RMAN> crosscheck backupdet of database;

RMAN>crosscheck copy;


RMAN Overview

Loss of a Non system Data file recovery scenarios

Archive log Basic


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