JSP Compilation in R12.2

Sometime after upgrade, cloning and patching front end login page is not opening showing blank page or showing “java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException” error.

This issue was occurring due to cache is not cleared after upgrade/Cloning

JSP Compilation steps

Step 1: Shutdown the application services

Step 2: Take backup for the _Page(class file) folders

$ cd $OA_HTML/WEB-INF/classes

$ ls -lrt
$ mv _pages _pages_bkup<date> a

$ cd $OA_HTML/WEB-INF/classes

$ ls -lrt
$ mv _pages _pages_bkup<date>
$ mkdir _pages
$ ls -lrt

Step 3: Run the below command

$ perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/ojspCompile.pl --compile --flush -p 99

Step 4: Start the application and clear browser cache.

After completed the JSP compilation home page not coming please clear the image and style sheet cache also


Images and style sheets can be corrupted or out of sync in the cabo caches, you may need to clear the related directories after backup:

Step1: Shutdown the services

Step 2: BACKUP the files in the following directories and then remove the files from the directories

Note: Once you complete these steps, all the directories will still be present, but will be empty.


cd $OA_HTML/cabo/images
cp -r cache cache_bkup
cd $OA_HTML/cabo/images/cache
rm -r *

Step 3: Run the same steps for $OA_HTML/cabo/styles/cache

Step 4: Start the services and retest - adstrtall.sh


Preventive Maintenance > Fleet Maintenance > Overview Page is not opening (Doc ID 2587865.1)


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