Oracle Application Cloning Basic
Before start to apps cloning. we must know the below basic steps. Cloning is the process used to create a copy of an existing E-Business Suite System Rapid Clone Preparing the source system Copy of database and applicatation node file system Configuring Target system Preparing the source system $ perl Usage Apps Node: perl adpreclone .pl appsTier | atTechStack | fmwHome | wlsConfig | ohsConfig |appltop Database Tier: perl dbTier | database | dbTechStack Log File Location $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/SID_HOSTNAME/StageDBTier_MMDDhhmm.log $INST_TOP/admin/log/StageAppsTier_MMDDhhmm.log Preparing the Database Tier:- perl dbTier It will create the clone directory $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone/directory Obtains Database Information Creates adcrdbclone.sql Prepare the Application Tier cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME perl appsTier There are two stages to apps Tier:...