
Showing posts from April, 2018

Unable To View the Concurrent Request Output In A Browser

Trying to view the output of any Concurrent request gives the following error: Error connecting to database EBSTEST: ORA-10 Error occuring  is generated by applsyspub user password inconsistency Solution  1.Shutdown Application Server  2. Change APPLSYSPUB Password using FNDCPASS utility FNDCPASS APPS/apps_PWD 0 Y SYSTEM/[system_pwd] ORACLE APPLSYSPUB New_PWD 3. Change the APPLYSYPUB password in $CONTEXT_FILE in two places grep s_gwyuid $CONTEXT_FILE grep s_gwyuid_pass $CONTEXT_FILE Example:  Change the password in context file at 2 places <GWYUID oa_var="s_gwyuid">APPLSYSPUB /<NEW_PWD></ GWYUID> <username oa_var="s_gwyuid_user">APPLSYSPUB</username> <password oa_var="s_gwyuid_pass "><NEW_PWD></ password> 4. Run Autoconfig  cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME sh sh Refer Unable To View The Concurrent Request Output In A Browser (Doc ...

How to Enable FND debug log messages

What is   FND debug log messages Sometimes, an Oracle application fails with an unexpected error, or a "silent" error or any other system failure and you need to get more information for Development to help troubleshoot an issue. In most cases you will be requested to provide an FND debug log. This note explains the steps needed to gather debug information from the FND debug tables, which you can then upload to a Service Request for review by Support or Development . Step 1 : Go to System Administrator responsibility System Administrator à profile à System Step 2 :Select USER level and search profile option   FND: Debug% Step 3 : Enable FND:Debug log and save Step 4 : Note down the following SELECT MAX(LOG_SEQUENCE) before_seq FROM FND_LOG_MESSAGES; SELECT MAX(LOG_SEQUENCE) after_seq FROM FND_LOG_MESSAGES; Step 5:  Otherwise, retrieve debug messages using a log_sequence range SELECT module, message_text ...

How to Add a New oacore server in R12.2

By default, every application tier node contains only a single instance of the oacore, oafm, forms and forms-c4ws services To increase the Web logic performance, we need to add up managed servers. Managed server creation/deletion should be done only through the and scripts WebLogic Administration Console should not be used Addition/deletion of managed servers needs to be done on the Run Edition File System when there is no active ADOP cycle Adding a new managed server STEP 1 : I will create one more oacore server( oacore_server2 ) Step 2:  Execute the following command to add a new managed server. This will create a managed server and add a new entry to the context file for starting and stopping the new managed server via the adstrtal and adstpall scripts $ perl <AD_TOP>/patch/115/bin/ \ ebs-create-managedserver -contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE> \ -managedsrvname=<MA...

ORACLE DBA Usefull Basic performance related Queries

How to Finding oracle blocking objects: Copy SET PAGES 200 SET LINES 200 SELECT (SELECT username FROM v$session WHERE sid = a.sid) AS blocker, a.sid, ' is blocking ' AS "IS BLOCKING", (SELECT username FROM v$session WHERE sid = b.sid) AS blockee, b.sid FROM v$lock a, v$lock b WHERE a.block = 1 AND b.request > 0 AND a.id1 = b.id1 AND a.id2 = b.id2 / How to find Table lock Copy SELECT a.sid, a.serial# FROM v$session a, v$locked_object b, dba_objects c WHERE b.object_id = c.object_id AND a.sid = b.session_id AND c.object_name = 'Table_Name' / How to identify Client IDENTIFIED in particular session: Copy SET LINES 200 SET PAGES 200 COL USERNAME FOR a10 COL MODULE FOR a25 COL ACTION FOR a25 COL PROGRAM FOR a18 COL CLIENT_IDENTIFIER FOR a15 SELECT sid, serial...

How to Create a Custom Concurrent Manager in R12.2

Why need to create a custom concurrent manager? It is avoid to long running concurrent request during business hours. This improves overall performance of the system. Create a Specialized Manager to process the specific 'Long Running' requests. Assign the Specialized Manager with a work shift with Off peak time. Assume, the Users submit the Concurrent Requests during peak time, then it will get  assigned to the Specialized Manager. But Specialized Manager will not process it during peak time. Following steps to create the concurrent manager . Step 1 :  Navigate to Concurrent / Manager / Define. Step 2 :  Manager Field: Custom Manager Short Name: CUSTOM. Type: Report Manager. Program Library: FNDLIBR. Enter desired cache. Step 3 : Work Shifts: Standard. Enter number of Processes. Step 4 : Provide Specialization Rules (you can include or exclude program, id, user, Types or co...

How to reapply patch in adop

ERROR: This Patch seems to have been applied already. Solution: The only way to bypass that is using the forceapply option adop phase=apply patches=<Patch_Number>  options=forceapply Refer: How to bypass the error "This Patch seems to have been applied already. Would you like to continue anyway" when applying a patch via ADOP ? (Doc ID 1920187.1)

Loss of a Non system Data file recovery scenarios

ERROR: ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 4 - see DBWR trace file ORA-01110: data file 4: '/u03/apps/oracle/oradata/PROD/users01.dbf' Scenario 1: Step 1: Start the database if necessary Step 2: Query the V$RECOVER_FILE SQL> select * from v$recover_file; Step 3: Taking the Missing datafile offline mode SQL> alter database datafile '/u03/apps/oracle/oradata/PROD/users01.dbf' offline; Step 4: Restore datafile RMAN> restore datafile 4; RMAN> recover datafile 4; Step5: Bring datafile online SQL> alter database datafile '/u03/apps/oracle/oradata/PROD/users01.dbf' Online; Step 6: Open database ERROR: ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 5 - see DBWR trace file ORA-01110: data file 5: '/u03/app/oradba/oradata/VIRRAN/data01.dbf' Scenario 2: Solution: [oradba@vtebz1 VIRRAN]$  rman target / RMAN> list failure; using target database contr...