
Showing posts from February, 2021

ORA Errors

This ORA Error post will update frequently for same page  ORA-00031: session marked for kill. The session specified in an ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command cannot be killed immediately (because it is rolling back or blocked on a network operation), but it has been marked for kill. This means it will be killed as soon as possible after its current uninterruptible operation is done. No action is required for the session to be killed, but further executions of the ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command on this session may cause the session to be killed sooner. Solution Find the thread in OS level select vs.sid,vs.username,vs.osuser, vs.process,vp.spid from v$session vs, v$process vp where vs.paddr = vp.addr and vs.username='<User_name>' and vs.osuser='<applmgr>'; Will get output like this SID    USERNAME     OSUSER   PROCESS   SPID 123        AP              applm...

Overview of Concurrent Processing - Purge Concurrent Request program

Concurrent programs log and output files are maintenance polices in OS level When we plan to start maintenance activity for those log files the purge concurrent request program come into picture based on the information Purge concurrent request using below tables. FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS This table contains a complete history of all concurrent requests. This table should ideally be kept at around4 - 5k records and should be regularly purged as part of normal 'housekeeping' by running the standard FNDCPPUR program. FND_RUN_REQUESTS When a user submits a report set, this table stores information about the reports in the report set and the parameter values for each report. FND_CONC_REQUEST_ARGUMENTS This table records arguments passed by the concurrent. FND_DUAL This table records when requests do not update FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES This table records information about Oracle Applications and operating system processes. FND_CONC_STAT_LIST This table col...