How to clear weblogic stuck threads in R12.2
Web logic stuck threads Overview What is stuck threads in weblogic server? Stuck threads are long running threads and It means thread has been running longer predefined timeout. What stuck threads will do? A thread might get stuck for various reasons. Example : When an SQL query is running and the time it takes to complete is say 800 seconds, then, as the default stuck thread timing is 600 seconds in WebLogic Server, the thread allocated for that query waits for 600 seconds and goes to stuck state. Then managed server status showing waning state How to troubleshoot the stuck threads in EBS instance? Stuck threads will reduce the ebs performance and it’s very important activity to DBA’s Step 1: Go to the weblogic console and check for managed server status like oacore Step 2: if It will show the oacore server in “warning state” then we need to check Scenario 1: Every alert we need to check the log file and investigate based on the log ...