
Showing posts from December, 2019

Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions Part-4

1) How to restore the datafile asm to non-asm? 2) What happened alter database begin backup mode? 3) Why need to enable maintenance mode in adpatch? 4)Why we are using appsutil directory in under database home? 5)What is TWO_TASK parameter? 6)What is difference in adop prepare phase and fs_clone? 7)What is US directory in $AD_TOP? 8)How to troubleshoot long running concurrent program and sql query? 9)How to apply pre-request patch when patch running? 10)Explain weblogic patching steps? 11)Explain RMAN block change tracking?   12) Different btw fnd_ststs & dbms_ststus? 13) Different btw apps &applsys user? 14) Different btw rman validate & crosscheck?  15) What is high watermark in db? 16) How many user will connect particular oacore ? 17) How to troubleshoot long running queries ? 18) What is check point ? 19) If reado log file delete how will recover? 20) Different btw AWR,ASH,ADDM reports ? 21) After clone application URL i...

How to compile the invalid objects in R12.2

Find the invalid objects: 1. Find the number of invalid objects Select count(*) from dba_objects where status=’INVALID’; 2. Find the object name /type Select owner,object_type,status from dba_objects where status ='INVALID'; How to compile invalid objects 1 Compile the invalid objects in apps schema: Application Side: Login the application services In application side use ADadmin utlity and give below options adadminĂ  option3 Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities menuĂ 1: Compile APPS schema Compile entire schema SQL> EXEC UTL_RECOMP.recomp_serial('APPS'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> 2 Database Side: Login Database server Goto $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin and run utlrp.sql SQL> @utlrp.sql 3 Manual Method : Alter package <owner>,<package_name> compile; Alter package <owner>,<package_name> compile body; Alter view <owner>,<view_name> compile; Alter materialized ...

Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions Part-3

What is apps listener and why it used? Apps listener is combination of FNDFS&FNDSM it’s running all apps node with listener alias name. It’s mainly used for listening the request for services like FNDFS&FNDSM What is difference between Socket & Servlet Mode in Apps Forms? When forms run SOCKET Mode these are dedicated connection between Client Machine & Form Server (Started by When Forms run in servlet mode the forms requests are fulfilled by Jserv in Apache . There will be additional JVM for Forms Request in that case and you won't start form via What is batch size in adpatch? Batch size is how many table performed same time. If example I give batch size 1000 means 1000 tables will perform same time in patching activity . What is (.lgi) file ? Lgi files are created with patching along with patch log file (.log) it’s contain information related to patch Patch will create two tables what are the conten...