Environment Variables & Configuration Files in R12.2
In this post, I will cover some useful basic Environment variables. Configuration files in R12.2 Important Environment files:- Lactation : cd /u01/apps/dev File Name : EBSapps.env This is the main environment file we can source RUN/PATCH edition using this file Lactation : cd $APPL_TOP location below tow important environment files available File Name : Apps<CONTEXT_NMAE>.env This file is known as the universal environment file. File Name: <CONTEXT_NAME>.env executable environment of APPL_TOP and oracle Lactation: cd $INST_TOP/appl/admin File Name: adovars<ONTEXT_NMAE>.env Its contain JAVA HTML related environment variables 10.1.2 Env Files: Lactation : cd $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.2 File Name: <CONTEXT_NAME>.env Its contain all 10.1.2 related executable environment Important Configuration Files:- Lactation: cd $APPL_TOP/adm...