
Showing posts from January, 2019

Oracle Pfile & Spfile Overview

Pfile Pfile is the text (initSID.ora) file User can change parameters in manually Changes will be effect on next startup It’s open during the instance startup time Pfile default location is “$ORACLE_HOME/dbs” How to create pfile? Pfile and spfile create its required a sysdba privileges SQL>create pfile from spfile; SQL> CREATE PFILE='/oracle/CLONE/db/11.2.0/dbs/inittest.ora' FROM  SPFILE='/oracle/CLONE/db/11.2.0/dbs/spfileCLONE.ora'; SPFILE : SPfile is the binary file SPfile is oracle 9i new feature It’s contains same information from the PFile It’s maintained by the server process RMAN support to using backup to the instillation parameter file How to create spfile? Spfile created from a pfile EX: SQL>create spfile from pfile; SQL> CREATE SPFILE='/oracle/CLONE/db/11.2.0/dbs/spfileTEST.ora' FROM PFILE='/oracle/CLONE/db/11.2.0/dbs/inittest.ora'; A...