
Showing posts from 2018

Oracle Apps DBA Interview questions Part-1

1  1)    How to recreate context file? $ cd $INST_TOP/appl/admin $ mv vision_apps.xml vision_apps.xml_bkp RUN : perl $COMMON_TOP/clone/bin/ retrieve 2) How to recreate context file in Database side? $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin Use scipt 3) How to find out invalid objects in the database? select count(*) from dba_objects where status =’INVALID’ 4) How to compile invalid objects? Database side Cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql $sqlplus sys as sysdba SQL > @utlrp.sql Application side: Using adadmin 5) If possible to rollback the autoconfig  session? Yes, We have using following steps Shutdown the application services Restore the Autoconfig session cd $INST_TOP/admin/log/MMDDHHMM/ sh Once done the activity start the application 6) How to create file? $AD_TOP/bin Run $ perl This will create in $I...

Oracle Database startup and shutdown Options

Database startup Normally database startup and shutdown required sysdba privileges. Database can be started using the below steps Start SQL Plus without connecting to the database Sqlplus /nolog Connect to Oracle Database as SYSDBA: sqlplus / as sysdba SQL> startup Database startup is staring up the instance including various modes Nomunt the database Mount the database Open the database Nomount Stage: Nomount stage instance will be start It will be read the all oracle parameter files like (spfile,pfile) It will start the memory(SGA) area and background process. Startup nomount stage mainly using for database creation,Cloning and DB recovery operations. Example: SQL>startup nomount SQL> startup nomount pfile='/<path>/init<SID>.ora'; Mount Stage: Mount stage is only allow for DBA activities does not allow the general access of database. It will be checks the controlfiles spe...

Data Pump Overview

Datapump is introduced in oracle database 10g( and later Oracle Data Pump technology enables very high-speed movement of data and  metadata from one database to another database. Oracle Data Pump is made up of three distinct parts The command-line clients, expdp and impdp The DBMS_DATAPUMP PL/SQL package (also known as the Data Pump API) The DBMS_METADATA PL/SQL package (also known as the Metadata API) Data Pump expdp and impdp using following Modes: Full Database Table User Tablespace EXPDP Full Database: Full database mode exports the all database objects. Table: Table mode export the specified table in user Example: Table definitions Table Data (all or selected rows) Table indexes User: User mode export the all objects from users schema Example: Table definitions Table Data Owner grants Owner indexes Tablesapce: Tablespace mode can be used to export the all tables in the s...