Oracle Database Architecture Overview

Oracle Database

The general purpose of a database is to store and retrieve related information.
Oracle database has a logical and physical structure  

Physical structure  

The physical structure of database it’s the set of OS in the database
It’s consist of three file types

Data files:

Containing the actual data in database

Redo log files: Click hear

Record all changes made a data

It’s provide a recovery mechanism

Can be organized into groups

At least two groups are required

Control files: Click hear

Defines current status of physical database

At mount stage during startup

It’s a binary file

Memory Structure

Oracle database consists of tow memory structure

System Global Area (SGA):

It’s allocated at instance startup and other component of an instance

Program Global Area (PGA):

Allocated when the server process started

De allocated when process terminated

Used by only one process

System Global Area (SGA):

It’s used to store the database information that is shared by the database process

SGA consists of several memory structures

  1) Shared pool
  2) Database Buffer Cache
  3) Redo log buffer

Shared pool

Shared pool is store to most recently executed sql statement and data definitions
It’ consists of two memory structures

      Library cache
           Data dictionary cached

Library Cache

It’s stores information about the most recently used SQL and PL/SQL statements

Enables the sharing of commonly used statements

Is managed by a least recently used (LRU) algorithm

Data Dictionary Cache

A collection of most recently used SQL definitions in the database

Includes information about database files, tables, indexes, ect…

Size determined by the shared pool sizing

Database Buffer Cache

Stores copy of data blocks that have been retrieved from the data files

Redo log buffer

Records all changes made to the database data blocks

It’s primary purpose recovery

Oracle database Background process 

Database Writer:-

The Database Writer (DBWR) process is responsible for writing dirty buffers from the database buffer cache to the datafile.

DB writer writing to the data files following events occur

Tablespace offline mode

Tablespace Read only mode

Dropping or truncating a table

Tablespace begin and end backup

Checkpoint occurs

There are no free buffers

Log Writer:-

LGWR performs sequential write from the redolog buffer to the log file

Log writer writing the redo log files for following events

Every committed transaction

When the redolog buffer one third full

Every three seconds

Before DB writer writs

Redo log is need for recovery purpose. Log writer conforms the commit operation after redo log is write 

System Monitor (SMON)

The System Monitor Process (SMON) is the most critical background process for Oracle Database. It performs critical tasks such as instance recovery, dead transaction recovery and maintenance tasks such as temporary space reclamation, data dictionary cleanup, and undo tablespace management.

SMON performs many database maintenance tasks, including the following
Instance recovery

Instance recovery 

Open database for user access

Rollback uncommitted transaction

Process Monitor (PMON)

PMON is the process monitor it’s cleans up after failed process by

Rollback the user's current transaction

Releasing the table or row locks

Releasing other resources.

Check point (CKPT)

Checkpoints are recorded in the control file and each datafile header, and are a crucial element of recovery.

When a checkpoint occurs, Oracle must update the headers of all datafiles to record the details of the checkpoint. This is done by the CKPT process. The CKPT process does not write blocks to disk, DBWn (DB Writer Process) always performs that task

The checkpoint process is responsible for updating file headers in the database datafiles.

It’s synchronous the data

Log switch occurred

Updating data file headers with check point information

Updating control file with checkpoint information

Whenever manual log switch is done.

Manual checkpoint.


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