Autoconfig in R12.2

AutoConfig is a configuration tool that automates the configuration of an Oracle E-Business Suite instance.

The information required for configuring an Applications system is collected into an XML repository, called the Applications context.

There is one Applications context for each application tier, and one for each database tier.

When AutoConfig runs, it uses information from the Applications 

context file to generate all configuration files, and update database profiles. 

Autoconfig components:

Context file
Driver files
Template files

Context file:

Configure the XML repository and related information

XML file for each application and database server.

XML file location


Cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/<conextfile.xml>

Template file:

Template file contains only name tags

All are replaced with the actual vales when during autoconfig run.


Every product top contains own driver file.

It’s mapping the templates and profiles.

Autoconfig mapping b/w template file and target config file.


AutoConfig Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is AutoConfig?

AutoConfig is a configuration tool that automates the configuration of an Oracle E-Business Suite instance. The information required for configuring an Applications system is collected into an XML repository, called the Applications context. There is one Applications context for each application tier, and one for each database tier. When AutoConfig runs, it uses information from the Applications context file to generate all configuration files, and update database profiles. 

What are the basic components of AutoConfig?

Applications Context
On the application tier:
On the database tier:
An XML repository (<CONTEXT_NAME>.xml) contains information specific to that Applications instance.
Do not manually update this file!
AutoConfig Template Files
On the application tier:
For example:
On the database tier:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/template
Include named tags which are replaced with instance-specific information from the Applications Context. There is one template file for each configuration file.

For example:
AutoConfig File Driver
On the application tier:

For example:
On the database tier:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/template
Used by AutoConfig to list the AutoConfig Template Files, their destination locations, and the commands to be executed, for example, the commands to update profile options. Every Product Top contains its own AutoConfig File Driver.
AutoConfig Scripts
On the application tier:
On the database tier:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin
Provide a simplified
interface to the AutoConfig APIs. 
For example: 

What are the different AutoConfig scripts and what do they do?

On the application tier:
On the database tier:
A wrapper script that calls Instantiates template files with values specific to the instance (taken from the Applications for the application tier and the database context for the database tier). Updates configuration files and profile options.
On the application tier:
On the database tier:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin/
A wrapper script that calls In earlier versions of AutoConfig adconfig.cmd used to call the Java API to start AutoConfig.
On the application tier:
On the database tier:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin
A wrapper script that calls the Java API to start AutoConfig.
On the application tier:
On the database tier:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin
Generates a report that highlights differences between the original config files and AutoConfig-generated config files. The report is named cfgcheck.html. It is located under:
On the application tier:
On the database tier:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/out/

When should I run AutoConfig?
You should run AutoConfig in the following cases:
  • You made updates to a context file (via Oracle Applications Manager).
  • An OracleMetaLink note instructs you to run AutoConfig as part of an upgrade, migration, cloning and/or configuration process.
  • The README of an Oracle patch instructs you to run AutoConfig after the application of the patch.
  • You apply any ADX product patch.
Which files and profile options are changed when I run AutoConfig?
Run the adchkcfg utility to get an HTML report that lists all the files and profile options that get changed when you run AutoConfig.

Where is the log file located that AutoConfig creates?
The log file that AutoConfig creates is located at:
On the application tier:
On the database tier:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/<CONTEXT_NAME>/<MMDDhhmm>/adconfig.log
where: <MMDDhhmm> = (month, day, hour, and minute of the AutoConfig run)

How can I roll back an AutoConfig session?
All backup configuration files from each AutoConfig session are stored in: 
On the application tier:
On the database tier:
where: <MMDDhhmm> = (month, day, hour, and minute of the AutoConfig run) 
You can run (UNIX) or restore.cmd (Windows) to roll back an AutoConfig session.


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